Medwick Pest Control employees are fully trained pest management technicians. Our technicians receive periodic advanced training that meets or exceeds Department of Agriculture requirements.
Medwick Pest Controls technicians are dedicated to safety, reliability, and family values. They have made Medwick the most trusted name in pest control in northeast Ohio
Articulate Quality
Medwick Pest Control is very articulate in there quality control audits of there own company standards and services. If our work audits don’t measure up to our founding family value standards then we will automatically correct them for the satisfaction of our customer. If it’s not good enough for Medwick Pest Control then it’s not good enough for our customer.
Old Country Values
Peter Kolomichuk and Brenda Kolomichuk, founders of Medwick Pest Control and happily married for 39 years, were both raised by there parents with old country standards. Good, honest, hard work for an honest dollar. Treat your neighbors and your customers like they were family.